Club Activities


The Club organizes five main events during the year, which primary objective is to raise funds to provide humanitarian or medical help to those most in neeed in the Tunhurahua province and to other solicting regions in Ecuador.

  • Gala Ball and crowning of the Queen of the Flowers and the Fruit. This event takes place every April and it’s preceded by a picnic / celebration, where a simbolic crowning of the queen takes place. This event is originally celebrated in Ambato, commemorating the resolute spirit of the Ambato citizens, that rebuilt Ambato after the earthquake of August 5, 1949, that left the city in ruins.
  • A Summer picnic in July.
  • Gala Ball, to proclaim the Vice-Queen on November 12th. This event is preceded with a picnic in November, commemorating Ambato’s independence from Spain. However, due to the tragic loss of our 2007 Vice-Queen, the club decided to temporarily abstain from celebrating the event.

Every February, club mebers accompany their Queen to the city of Ambato to participate in Celebration of the Flower and Fruits. During this visit, the Club donates the materials, clothes, supplies, etc., received through donations or acquired with funds raised. The club also participates in the various events organized by the Comité Permanente de la FFF (Permanent Committee for the CFF), to celebrate the Carnival. The Club’s Queen assists to the election of the Queen of Ambato, the Crowning of the Queen of Ambato, participates in the Desfile de la Confraternidad (Parade of Friendship), the Nocturnal Round and in other various events.